[Math Olympiad] 4 tips for SASMO training
[Math] Fraction division
In primary school mathematics, one of the most challenging topics is the division of fractions. 3 ÷ 1/2…
[Math] Palindrome & ambigram dates
The date 22022022 is a palindrome & ambigram! A palindrome is a sequence of characters or numbers that…
[Math] Real applications
In our family, “Learning is compulsory. Schooling is optional”. Today, 10yo Jae had a hard-to-get appointment to renew…
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Odonata Chinese Old & New Books: What are the Differences?
You’ve probably heard of the Odonata Chinese books and flashcards (红蜻蜓学前阅读计划), which are…
Nurturing a child’s interest
Many of you are keen to unleash your child’s limitless potential. Recently, Jae…
Math with Blokus tiles
Physical school is on alternate weeks & it’s back to mummy’s homeschool this…
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