About Us

Let's reach our limitless potential.
Want to be the best version of yourself?
Or do you want your child to reach their limitless potential too?
We’ve done it for more than 12 years and are here to show you how.
You’ll learn to uncover solutions to help you reach your goals.
You’ll learn effective and efficient ways to raise children with limitless potential.
Our business is registered in Singapore and supports clients internationally — Singapore, Malaysia, Australia, the U.S.A, Canada, United Kingdom, Europe, India, the Middle East and more.

Numbers Speak For Themselves!

Our areas of specialisation:

- Singapore Math
- Math Olympiad training
- Peak performance coaching
- Executive & career coaching
- Odonata Chinese
Our Founder - Carol Wong

Carol’s passion for learning and teaching has enabled her to excel in school and at work. She graduated from Nanyang Technological University in Singapore, majoring in Accountancy, as the top graduate who received 9 awards including the Lee Kuan Yew Gold Medal, PricewaterhouseCoopers Gold Medal and KPMG Gold Medal.
In 2005, she was the top student in Singapore’s Chartered Financial Consultant (ChFC) programme. In her former career, she specialised in personal financial planning and was a lecturer for the ChFC programme.
In 2008, she left the corporate world and moved to Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, to raise her three children. After completing a Montessori certificate programme, she homeschooled her children during kindergarten.
Her special interests are the teaching and learning of Mathematics, and peak performance coaching.
As a mother and educator, she has designed workshops and learning materials to help thousands of busy parents worldwide teach their children effectively and efficiently.
She is a Certified Accelerated Learning Practitioner (IAALP, USA), Certified Improvement & Development Coach, and Certified Virtual Learning Facilitator. As a lifelong learner, she is currently pursuing Master of Education (Mathematics).