You can access free mini-courses here — they cover Setting Up Success (SUS) (to be uploaded soon) and Teaching Chinese. Enjoy!

Home Practice eWorkshop (HPeW)
Home Practice eWorkshop (HPeW) is designed to help you guide your young child towards total development by blending whole-brain education and Montessori teaching principles.
This is what we do to raise children with limitless potential.
Boost Your Child’s Chinese (BYCC)
Boost Your Child’s Chinese (BYCC) is designed based on the science of learning, memory and Montessori teaching principles.
It is what we do to help you guide your child to read more than 900 characters so that he or she will be on track to read about 90% of common publications.
Boost Your Child’s Math Olympiad (BYCMO)
Boost Your Child’s Math Olympiad (BYCMO) is designed based on the science of learning math, problem-solving and Singapore Math.
It is what we do to help you support your child who loves solving challenging Mathematics problems.